Rethinking About The Difficult Circumstances& Reason In China Land Law Enforcement 关于我国土地执法困境与成因的再思考
In the interview, under the place land law enforcement cadre's has the worry to land supply and demand giant gap illegal land impulsion. 采访中,地方土地执法干部对土地供需巨大缺口下的违法用地冲动不无担心。
The Establishment of a Unified Urban and Rural Land for Construction of the Land Law of the Land Market Research 建立城乡统一的建设用地土地市场的土地法学研究
Industrial society's foundational economic resources are machines, whereupon chattel law takes the core position of land law. 工业社会的基础经济资源是机器,于是动产法取代了土地法的核心地位。
The rural land law of2002 prohibits "readjustments" but they remain rampant. 2002年农村土地法禁止“重新调整”,但这种现象依然猖獗。
The plight of the China ′ s agricultural land legal system and its countermeasures: A study on Japan ′ s farm land law as a reference for the reform in China 中国农地法律制度的困境及其对策&日本农地法律制度对中国的启示
In order to understand the environmental aspects of public land law, a basic understanding of the non-environmental aspects is necessary as background. 要理解公共土地法律在环境方面的意义,就必须将对其非环境方面意义的基本理解作为背景。
The Connotation and Legal Norms of Fee Simple in English Land Law 英国土地自由继承地产的内涵及其法律规范
In dealing with landlords and rich peasants we should distinguish between them in accordance with the Outline Land Law. 九、对待地主和对待富农必须依照土地法大纲加以区别。
Subsequently in the implementation some changes were made in the method of equal distribution of land provided in the Outline Land Law of China. 〔8〕《中国土地法大纲》所规定的平分土地的办法,在以后的执行过程中有了一些改变。
In feudal land law, the Commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord. 在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。
Different tactics for carrying out the land law in different areas 在不同地区实施土地法的不同策略
Research on Taiwan Land Law System and its Enlightenment for Mainland China; Application of Soil Nailing Wall in Stabilization of Abutment 台湾土地法律体系及其对大陆土地立法的启示土钉式挡土墙在桥台加固工程中的应用
Therefore, we should not try to enforce the Land Law all at once but should do it in two stages. 因此,不应当企图一下实行土地法,而应当分两个阶段实行土地法。
In accordance with the Land Law we must give them means of production and means of livelihood, but not more than to the peasants. 必须按照土地法给以不高于农民所得的生产资料和生活资料。
The Implementation Situation and Countermeasure of New Curriculum; In carrying out the Land Law, it is necessary to distinguish three kinds of areas and to adopt different tactics for each. 新课程实施的现状与对策&部分实验区评估结果的分析与思考关于土地法的实施,应当分三种地区,采取不同策略。
However, in accordance with the Outline Land Law, rich peasants should generally be treated differently from landlords. 但是按照土地法大纲的规定,对待富农和对待地主一般地应当有所区别。
In this paper, author analyze reasons and consequences for the missing in the existing system of land law and policy, and explore the construct of thought. 文章通过现行的土地法律制度和政策,分析了我国农地发展权缺失的表现、后果及原因,并探讨了建构的思路。
And the framework of land law system is not complete. 土地法律框架不完整,这六个相互联系的问题正是中国目前土地政策所面临的主要挑战。
This contradiction is related to the legislation conception of the Land law. 这一矛盾是与《土地法》的立法理念相关联的。
Renewal the land law concept and perfecting the system 土地法的理念更新与制度完善
The third part, sizes up the shortcomings and the harm of this rural land law system. 第三部分,分析了现行农村土地制度在立法上存在的诸多缺陷及对现实造成的危害。
Land law violations are the outstanding problems of land use and management in China during the socio-economic transition period. 土地违法是我国经济社会转型期土地利用和管理面临的突出问题。
Including the land law of diminishing returns, land rent, location theory and the theory of sustainable development. 包括土地报酬递减规律、地租理论、区位理论和可持续发展理论。
Expedite the formulation of Land Law in progress and straighten out the relationship between legal norms. 加快制订《土地法》的进度,理顺法律规范之间的关系。
Violation of land law is one of the anomie phenomenon during Chinese transitional period. 土地违法行为是我国社会转型期失范现象之一。
Land law is the most abstract and complex law in the Anglo-American law system because of its feudal origin. 土地法因其具有封建制度的历史渊源,而成为了英美法中最为抽象、最为复杂的法律。
At last, the prototype system which preliminarily realizes land law inquiry and land law consultation is built. 最后建立实验原型系统,初步实现基于本体的土地法律查询和土地法律咨询功能。
Land resources management system of laws and regulations, and the ecological environment protection laws and regulations system, improve the land law enforcement system and land management, strengthen the administrative procedure of land use planning and management and planning system. 完善土地资源管理的法律法规体系和生态环境保护法律法规体系,健全土地执法体系和土地管理行政程序,加强土地利用规划管理和规划体系建设。
Land law system is an important part of national law system in the long river of Chinese history. 在中国历史的漫漫长河之中,围绕着土地而设置的土地法律制度是国家法律制度的重要一部分。